This is my favourite thing to do on a Sunday night, because you end up with some fantastic leftovers for lunch at work, the next day.
Step 1: prepare your dough (This is explained in the simple pizza dough post).
Step 2: chop up your favourite ingredients. This pizza is a potato, turkey mince, bacon pizza. Slice your potatoes thinly and keep your bacon pieces small.
Step 3: once all ingredients are sliced and diced, then fry them all up in a pan to make them nice a crispy before going on the pizza. Once cooked, separate each ingredient into bowls.
Step 4: Spread a small amount of flour on your bread board and begin to roll out your dough (if you made your own dough). The dough will try and spring back after each roll. Just keep persisting, and it will begin to take shape.
Step 5: Once in a nice thic circle, place the pizza base on your pizza pan and begin to add the toppings. (This is a personal step for each person – so I won’t tell you how to do this. Everyone has their own way of how they like their pizza stacked)
Step 6: Once ready, place the pan in your insanely hot oven (250 degrees Celsius) on top of a pizza stone for about 10 mins. Results below:
Step 7: Enjoy and be sure to leave enough so you can take a few slices into work the next day. The smell of your pizza re-heating in the office microwave will drive your colleagues nuts.
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